Wednesday, April 8, 2020

And here we go again. Jesus, APD and Devine, the Trinity of Bullshit and fabricated evidence:

And here we go again. 😂😂😂. Jesus, APD and Devine, the Trinity of Bullshit and fabricated evidence:

A Slice of Fruitcake

Oh great - Angie, Jesus and Devine together at last 🤮

A Slice of Fruitcake

"El Coyote, employer person for reputation rescue for [Hampstead Dad]" 🙄


APD discredits Karen, waffles on about satanic inversion. Claims their fake "evidence" wasn't refuted. Then admits she never watched Karens video anyway. Clear self-contradiction.

A Slice of Fruitcake

Lots of projection, hypocrisy and bvtt-hurt here 😂

A Slice of Fruitcake

The irony is off the scale in this one. "To accuse someone of having links to p0rn is beneath contempt" 🤦‍♂️


A Slice of Fruitcake Having Devine in there is splendid. He is a certified, proven nutter by any standards. That should speed things up further.

A Slice of Fruitcake

I'm looking forward to seeing the egg on their faces when they realise that these "evil, satanic companies" they keep linking to Hampstead Dad were actually owned by their beloved Ella 😂

A Slice of Fruitcake

I think that sick fvck Angela needs to be reported for what she says at 14:21 😮

A Slice of Fruitcake

@tniedermeier I know, right! We should be charged admission for this. It's comedy gold :)

A Slice of Fruitcake

I take it Jesus and Devine don't know about Angie's hate campaign against Ella and her unfounded allegation that she sexually abused her son!


A Slice of Fruitcake They are doing the exact same thing that EC debunked again. It's a prosecutors wet dream because they themselves prove malicious intent now. In their own video. Please make downloads of this.


A Slice of Fruitcake "This is eh cumpany. Do yer get meh!". 😂😂😂

A Slice of Fruitcake

At 34:21 she once again spouts the complete and utter bullshlt about the vicious trolls Charlotte Ward and Jacco de Boer having to flee the country and set up a suicide plan due to the "backlash" from Hoaxtead Research. If anything, it was them trying to drive us to suicide and they'd moved abroad long before the Hampstead thing started. And for the record, our "backlash" amounted to rolled eyes, the occasional meme and the creation of the HR blog.
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10:30 "It's all in deh mirrah. New York Times in deh mirrah". We already explained a week ago how and why every major news outlet runs TOR servers. He simply ingnores the real evidence. Everybody can verify that in Wikipedia. This is not ADHD. This is plain idiocy.


What this video proves beyond any reasonable doubt is one thing and one thing only. This is not, and has never been, about facts. It's a pure smear campaign run by people with malicious intent. Good luck with that.

Greece Frightening

Andy says he's gonna send another email to the CEO of the CQC. After the email they sent him warning him off, he's really pushing his luck.


More malicious fabrication from 17:00. There are no pictures, of course.

Brighton Breezy

53:46 - "All of this has been forwarded to the police and the intellignece services and researchers worldwide" 🤣


26:36 The "hacker" having trouble again. APD "It's high level targeting". 😂😂😂No Granny Toxic, it's high level incompetence with delusions of grandeur. A typical trait for cocain addicts.


32:50 the obvious excitement in APDs voice tells us more about her and her fantasies than about anything else. Granny Toxic knows no shame.


32:51 now it's getting really disgusting. APD's hypocrisy is off the scale. She has never rescued a single child in her whole life, but ruined quite some. And their families.


37:23 Now the scamming starts. Granny Toxic is a Pro, of course. She has a long history of charity scamming of the worst kind.


39:30 The self-proclaimed journalist knows shit about the McConnell case. It's well documented and very transparent. Kudos to Agent 19 by the way. You, Sir, are a legend.


42:39 Nice example of Devines delusions of grandeur "What i do is i make people famous." 😂😂😂


43:50 Now they are talking about their Nazi friend Paterson who threatened to kill children and put their parents through a woodchipper. Let's see what Patersons trial in May results in, shall we ?

Bleeding Heart

APD mentions world wide expert in Parental Alienation - Joe van Tonder, a South African man living in Ireland somewhere. I'm pretty sure the claims she makes about what he told her in an interview are claims he refuted. It's on record on the Hoaxtead blog. Will look. But anyway, of course, this unholy trinity, each and everyone are lying like crazy and it's just for the money. I wonder how much APD will get into her bank account for the 'Jesus' new computer' fund. Such slimey pond scum, horrible loathsome ...
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